About me

I’m a writer, visual artist and experimental filmmaker based in London. I was born and grew up in Buenos Aires, where I obtained a Diploma in Literature (Universidad de Buenos Aires). As part of my studies, I had the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program, taking courses in the MA LAC (Lettres, Arts et Cinéma) at Paris VII - Université Paris Diderot, where I attended Julia Kristeva’s seminar.

In London, I studied under the supervision of sculptor Grenville Davey, filmmaker John Smith and painter Alexis Harding at the University of East London, where I earned an MA in Fine Art.

Before relocating to London, I spent three years in Los Angeles, California, where I worked on various independent films and small theater productions. During that time, I was selected as an artist-in-residency at LA AIR: Echo Park Film Center, a program supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. I also volunteered at the LA Filmforum, where I had the chance to discover many incredible experimental films.

As a writer, I published a collection of poems titled ‘Posesiones’ in Spain in 2009 (Winner of the First Poetry Award XXX Félix Francisco Casanova). More recently, I authored the novel ‘Plan de parto’, published by Mardulce Editora in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2023.

My work has been screened at galleries and film festivals, including the Sheffield Fringe Festival, the Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground in Buenos Aires, the MARFICI in Mar del Plata, the Cairo Video Festival, Bideodromo in Bilbao, and the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles, among others.

About my work

My primary area of interest is in analogue and digital filmmaking, but I'm also exploring other media such as painting, sculpture and performance. My works explore alternative narrative devices and further focus on issues related to language. My practice, in whichever form it takes, usually revolves around writing and tends to enquire into how this process creates, multiplies and loses meanings along the way. The works often surround intimate experiences and desires by exploring the ordinariness of daily life.

I like to think about my approach to work like Felisberto Hernández describes his writing process: At a given moment I think a plant is about to be born in some corner of me. Aware of something strange going on, I begin to watch for it, sensing that it may have artistic promise. I would be happy if the idea weren't a complete loss. But I can only watch and wait, indefinitely: I don't know how to nurture the plant or make it bloom. All I have is the feeling or hope that it will grow leaves of poetry or of something that could become poetry when seen by certain eyes.

Perhaps as such I believe my works consist of passive forms of search that sometimes take me into very long journeys of discovery and wonder. If I am lucky, this approach will allow me to find something small but very personal that I will use to work with.

By using texts in different forms, I aim to interrogate the relationship between materials and images (phantoms). The meaning always escapes but the illusion of having reached it is a common occurrence. However, "there is nothing but postcards, anonymous morsels without fixed domiciles, without legitime addressee, letters open, but like crypts". (Jacques Derrida)

& Selected Works

EL BALCÓN | Buenos Aires, 2012 | 13’ 55” | Short film | HD

Previous Screenings:

VIII Festival Internacional de Cine de Pasto, Colombia, 2012.
VIII Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012.
I Festival Latinoamericano de Cine independiente de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2012.
Ciclo de Cine anómico. Espacio Guionarte, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012.
Sheffield Fringe Festival, Narrative Transfer, Sheffield, England, 2013.
Cairo Video Festival, Medrar, Cairo, Egypt, 2013.
Bideodromo 2013, Experimental Festival, Bilbao, Spain.
Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, USA, 2014.
Cairo Video Festival, Extended program, Cairo, Egypt, 2014.
Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina, Festival VideoBardo, 2016.

LA MÚSICA | Buenos Aires, 2013 | 12’ 27” | Short film | HD

Previous Screenings:

Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014.
UNDER THE UNDERGROUND: the M.U.F.F. Salon des Refusés @The PICTURE Show ~ Brooklyn, NY, 2014.
NORTHWEST FILM FORUM, Seattle, USA, as a part of Yellow Fish – Epic Durational Performance Festival, 2014.

THE AQUARIUM | Los Angeles, 2014 | Short film | 16 mm
Made with the support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts as an artist in residence in LA AIR: ECHO PARK FILM CENTER

Previous Screenings:

Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014.

THE CHAMBERS OF THE SEA | Los Angeles, 2014 | 13′ 55” | Super 8 mm & HD | Hand processed

Previous Screenings:

Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014. X MARFICI, Selección TREN DE SOMBRAS, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2014.
Bideodromo 2014, Bilbao, Spain. Finalist.
Feci. I Feria Internacional de Cine Independiente, Bogotá, Colombia, 2014.
5° Festival Internacional de Cine de Pehuajó, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.

DETOUR | Los Angeles 2012-2015 | 70’ 03” | Feature film | HD

Previous Screenings:

Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2015, as a part of AMERICA LATINA SHOWCASE.

LOS PEQUEÑOS FORMATOS | Paris, 2011-2015 | 9’ 34” | Short film | Compact camera | A project by Andrea Marquez & Irene Rodriguez

AVA Gallery, London, UK, 2015. UEL MA Fine Art Show.

STORIES FROM LOS ANGELES | London, 2015 | Three-channel video installation + Stills

The rehearsal, Landscapes for my friends from California & Many posters from an unfinished but still Hollywood movie
AVA Gallery, London, UK, 2015. UEL MA Fine Art Show.
SPACE Gallery, BYOB London, 2015. Organised by SPACE & LUX Moving Image.

CUMULUS & NIMBUS. A video about clouds | London 2015 | 7’ 09” | Short Film | HD | Experiments on green screen

SPACE Gallery, BYOB London, 2015. Organised by SPACE & LUX Moving Image.
PROJECT SPACE Gallery, Trinity Buoy Wharf, London 2016.

IN BETWEEN | London, 2016 | Handmade emails, a performance in translation, a mysterious object & a cat simultaneously alive and dead in a box

PROJECT SPACE Gallery, Trinity Buoy Wharf, London 2016.

BUILDING WORK: Plaster, hooks and other abject materials that I found in the woods | London, 2022 | Video projections onto plaster, fiberglass and wall

AVA Gallery, London, UK, 2022. UEL MA Fine Art Interim Show.

PLAN DE PARTO | Buenos Aires, 2023 | Novel published by Mardulce Editora, Chief Editor: Damian Tabarovsky.

POSSIBLE OBJECTS | London, 2023 | 70’ 01” | Feature film | HD

In theory, I know exactly how to make this film.